Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Wednesday, April 1, 2020--Announcements and Class Assignments

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Hello again, everyone! I received texts from several of you, but there seems to be some confusion on several points. First, here are a few announcements:

  • For this week, please check the blog daily for assignments and announcements. Follow the instructions for each assignment.
  • I am working to set up a true online class, in which we will all be able to see and talk to one another through a meeting website. I will send more information by the weekend.
  • Some of you have let me know you are not receiving my emails or texts--thank you! I believe I have responded to everyone who sent me such a message. If you are still not getting emails and texts from me, please send me your correct phone number and email address by text and/or email:
    • 309-948-9615
  • If you have missed any of my messages, just keep checking this blog, which contains all the information I have been sending out (see my last few posts).
  • I notice that some of you respond to me using WhatsApp rather than standard texting. So I will try to set up a WhatsApp chatroom for sending out announcements, too.
I will type assignments in RED so that you can find them easily.

First, let's go over Tuesday's assignments.

1) Everyone was supposed to email or text me their answers to 3 questions. However, only one person did. Please reread Tuesday 3/31/2020 assignment #1, and send me a text or email with your answers to the 3 questions.

2) I have added a section titled "Homework Answers" on the top right side of this page, underneath the box with all the subject tabs, to the left of the Search box. The section looks like this:                                

Look for this section at the top right side of this page, and click on "Answers to Tues. 3/31/20 homework--textbook, p. 242" to check your own homework. 

3) You were to read the article on the nation's capital on p. 142 in the Future English 3 Workbook and then circle 5 words that were new vocabulary for you. Rather than have you type them in a comment on this page, I changed the instructions. Instead, please write down the 5 words and send them to me in a text or email.

Assignments for Wednesday, April 1, 2020 

(due Thursday, April 2, 2020)

1) Have you texted or emailed me your answers from yesterday's assignment, #1 (see yesterday's post)? If not, please do so today.

2) Review how to form past passive verbs (past tense, passive voice) by doing the following:
  • Click the link below and read the lesson on past passive: 
  • As you scroll down the page, you will see that the lesson includes a listening lab practice and then a video for you to view. I am also putting links to the video and listening lab below. Watch the video.
  • After watching the video, click on the link for the listening lab below. You will see a page that looks like this:

Get out paper and pencil and number 1 to 10. After clicking the link to the listening lab page--

--click on the arrow in the orange circle to listen to the teacher read sentences.

As you listen, fill in the missing past passive verbs for the sentences he reads (you can just write the missing words on your own paper).

When you are finished, scroll down the page a little to check your answers (don't look at them before you're finished!).

3) Reread the article "The Nation's Capital Finds a Home" on p. 142 in the Future English 3 Workbook. 
  • On p. 143, review what summarizing is by reading what is in the gray box at the top right of the page.
  • Answer part A--choose the best summary of the article.
  • Answer the six True/False questions in part B.
  • We will check your answers tomorrow.

*UPDATE*: I have updated the homework answers for 4/1/20 to include the answers to the Workbook, p. 143, Exercises A and B. I apologize for leaving them out at first!

4) Vocabulary words
  • Don't forget to text me 5 words from the article that are new to you (3/31/2020 assignment #3)
  • I have chosen some vocabulary words from the article on p. 142. Below is a vocabulary exercise for you to do on your own paper.
  • In front of each word on the left, put the letter of the definition on the right that matches it. You may use a dictionary.
  • We will check answers tomorrow.
Vocabulary for Future English 3 Workbook, p. 142—“The Nation’s Capital Finds a Home”

I.  Matching: Put the letter of a definition in front of the vocabulary word it matches on the left. You may look in a dictionary if you need to.

1.   location
A. to stay
2.   compromise
B.  a person in charge of a U.S. government department
3.   capital
C.  money that is owed
4.   defeated
D.  a city where the government of a state or country is
5.   remain
E.  a place
6.   debt
F.  beaten in a contest or war
7.   secretary
G.  an agreement in which each side gets part of what it wants

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