Thursday, October 19, 2017

Nouns--Review Lessons and Exercises

The first link below takes you to a simple review of countable and uncountable nouns at  It has some helpful lists of different kinds of noncount nouns: liquids, gases, solids, etc.

The second link below takes you to a page at where you will see of list of lessons and exercises on nouns. These lessons and exercises are a good place to review basic things like common and proper nouns and noun plurals as well as more advanced topics like noun clauses.

The last two links will help you review when to use definite vs. indefinite articles (the vs. a/an) and when no article (nothing) is needed.

My suggestions: Click on the link below and read about countable vs. nouns. Scroll to the bottom and click on the link to Countable vs. Uncountable Nouns Exercise 1 Do the 20 questions in the exercise and check your answers.

LINK: Countable/Uncountable Nouns Review at

Then click on the following link to try some of the noun review lessons and exercises at

LINK: Various Review Lessons and Exercises on Nouns

Finally, click on the first link below to review rules for using articles. Then click on the second link and try some of the "similar exercises" on articles listed at the right of the page:

LINK: Explanation of Using Articles

LINK: A/An/The or Nothing Exercises (listed on the right)