Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Websites for Researching Your Forrest Gump Topic

At the end of this post are links to websites that will give you good information on your topic. The articles are shorter and easier to read than the ones on Wikipedia.

Warning: When you do a search for your topic at ducksters.com or history.com, sometimes the first few results are marked with an upside-down triangle symbol    . The triangle means that these results are ads  Ad  or sponsored links. Clicking on one of them probably won’t take you anywhere useful, so skip these results and click one further down the list that doesn’t have a triangle. Here is an example of such an ad:


 Useful websites for researching your topic:

The following website has general information about the Forrest Gump movie itself:

(Forrest Gump movie notes, timeline, movie script, and more)