Answers for 4/1/20 homework—"A Nation's Capital Finds a Home"

Answers to Workbook p. 143

Exercise A

a. Washington, D.D., was chosen as the site of the nation’s capital as the result of a compromise.

Exercise B
  1.     T  “The nation’s capital would stay in Philadelphia for ten more years. Then it would move . . . .”
  2.     F  “The American Revolution lasted from 1775 to 1781.”
  3.      “Most people wanted a national capital, but the couldn’t agree where it should be.”
  4.     The wording of this question is not specific enough.  After the American Revolution, they at first couldn’t agree, but later they did agree on Alexander Hamilton’s compromise. So I would accept either T or F as correct.
  5.     T  “The North had spent a lot of money on the American Revolution.” The South had not.
  6.     T  “Washington, D.C., thus became the national capital on July 16, 1790.”

Vocabulary for Future English 3 Workbook, p. 142—“The Nation’s Capitol Finds a Home”

I.  Matching: Put the letter of each definition at the right in front of the vocabulary word it matches on the left. You may look in a dictionary if you need to.


1.   location
A. to stay
2.   compromise
B.  a person in charge of a U.S. government department
3.   capital
C.  money that is owed
4.   defeated
D.  a city where the government of a state or country is
5.   remain
E.  a place
6.   debt
F.  beaten in a contest or war
7.   secretary
G.  an agreement in which each side gets part of what it wants

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