Monday, November 4, 2019

Do You Have Trouble with Parts of Speech? Here's a great game!

Playing games at is a fun way to get more comfortable with parts of speech.

To play, click on the word "Play" on the right side of the curtain.

The next screen tells you what a noun is and gives example. Click the button that says
"Choose a noun."

On the next screen, choose a noun by clicking on it:

Then, click   PLAY   ,  read about what an adjective is, and click the "choose an adjective" button.
On the next screen you will click on an adjective to describe the noun you chose:

Finally, you will follow the same procedure to choose a verb. You can click on all the choices to see what actions your noun character can take. In the picture below, the boy is sleeping:

Click on the link below to begin.

LINK: Who will be the star of the show?

You can also try some of the other games at the same website: