Answers to homework from Monday, 5/11/20

Answers to homework from Monday, 5/11/20

Future English 3 textbook, pp. 182-183; 186-187

p. 182--Ex. B

1. Mr. Kwang told the employees to set up the display.
2. He asked them to check that all items have prices.
3. He warned them not to come late.
4. He told them to recycle the papers.
5. He expected them to work late.
6. They asked him to explain the time-off policy.

p. 183--Practice 2 (answers will vary)

1. Mr. Lan (He) told him to restock the batteries.
2. Ms. Alvarado (She) asked her to check her work.
3. Ms. Kahn (She) told him to replace the products that they sold.
4. Ms. Rice (She) asked her to work the register today.
5. Mr. Smith (He) told them not to worry about the store window.
6. Mr. Lan (He) told her not to make so many personal calls at work.

p. 186, Ex. B

1.    maternity ward
2.    surgery
3.    emergency room (ER)
4.    care unit (ICU)
5.    radiology/imaging
6.    physical therapy
7.    pediatrics
8.    nurse's station
9.    admissions
10.  laboratory

p. 187, practice 2

1. 9087
2. 8790 (admissions) or (9089 (ICU) 
3. 7450 (radiology)
4. 9091 (laboratory
5. 7790 (ER)

Future English 3 workbook, pp. 110-111

p. 110, Ex. A

1. physical therapy
2. admissions
3. surgery
4. emergency room (ER)
5. pediatrics
6. laboratory

p. 111, Ex. B

1. admissions
2. physical therapy
3. surgery
4. pediatrics
5. laboratory

p. 111, Ex. C

1. radiology
2. intensive care unit (ICU)
3. emergency room (ER)
4. admissions
5. laboratory
6. maternity ward

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