Answers to Homework from Friday, May 1, 2020

Answers to homework from Friday, 5/1/20

Future English 3 Workbook, pp. 98-99

Exercise A

1. B
2. D
3. A
4. C

Exercise B

1. B
2. C
3. B
4. A

Exercise C

1. attend a training session
2. train other employees
3. deal with complaints
4. be part of a team

Exercise D

1. train other employees
2. deal with complaints
3. attend a training session
4. be part of a team

Future English 3 Textbook, pp. 170-171

Exercise 1A

Which one do you recommend?
They're all good, but this one has a lot more features.
Are those silver phones on sale
No, the black ones are.
I'll take this one then.

Exercise 1B

Which ones?
The 10-inch ones.
This one is scratched.
Which one
But put the other ones out.
Which ones are on sale?

Exercise 2A

1. one
2. ones
3. ones
4. one
5. one, one

Exercise 2B

1. one
2. the ones
3. which ones
4. which ones
5. the one

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