Friday, September 29, 2017

Capitalization Practice

My suggestion: Click on the link below to see how well you know the rules for capitalization by taking a quiz.

LINK: Capitalization Quiz

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Repeat Celsa (Grammar) Test Before Fall Break--Practice Sample Questions

You are not supposed to know everything on the Celsa test! It includes some very advanced grammar questions and we haven't covered a lot of the material yet. Look at it as a challenge--use what you've learned (from your reading, writing, conversations, and grammar lessons) to help you figure out what is missing from a sentence.

My suggestion: Click on these two links to download the pages (pdf files) of sample questions. Answers are printed at the end of the questions. Before you try the questions, look at the strategies for taking the test that I have listed below.

LINK: Celsa Test Sample Questions
LINK: More Celsa Practice Questions

1. Cover up the box with the answer choices and read the rest of the sentence and the context around the sentence. Think about what kind of word the sentence requires to go in the blank and complete the sentence.

2. Does the sentence need an adjective, a helping verb, a past tense verb? What person and tense are needed?

3. If the sentence needs a noun, look at the rest of the sentence to see whether it requires a singular or plural noun.

4. If you are choosing between pronouns, pay attention to whether the sentence requires a subject pronoun, an object pronoun, a possessive pronoun, etc.

5. Does the verb in the sentence need a preposition after it? Review the use of prepositions of place and time. Also, some verbs are "phrasal"--they must be used with a certain preposition (we haven't reviewed this topic yet).