Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Summer School 2017 ESL Level 5 (NOTE: This class is not active as of August 2017)

Summer school begins on Monday, May 22nd, and lasts for 3 weeks. Even if you are unable to attend summer school, you can join my typing class and work on your keyboard skills from home. 

Click on the link below to join Teacher Kathy's summer school class at

Join Teacher Kathy's class at

(NOTE: This class is not active as of August 2017)

NOTE: The above link to is best for beginning typists. If you already know how to type, try the typing games at (click on the link Games at in the Favorite Links list on the right side of this page). You can choose your level of difficulty. but even experienced typists may be surprised at how challenging the games are! This website also has lessons (click on the Lessons at in the Favorite Links list at right), but I think is best for beginners.