Thursday, April 11, 2019

Watch Tara the Cat Rescue Child from Dog Attack! Write Sentences!

Click on the link below and watch the news story: Tara the Cat Saves 4-Year-Old Boy

LINK: Tara the Cat Saves 4-Year-Old Boy

My suggestion: Write sentences about what happens in the video in past tense (active voice). Your sentences should have the subject-verb-direct object pattern. Then change the sentences you wrote into past tense, passive voice. For example:

The boy rode the tricycle. (active)

The tricycle was ridden by the boy. (passive)

Here are some nouns and verbs you might use in your sentences (in no special order)

NOUNS                    VERBS

cat                               run
dog                              chase
tricycle                        bite
car                               save
mother                        drag
camera                        film
attack                          attack

This is a screen capture (picture) of the video--click the link above to watch it.

Quiz on Past Passive

Click the link below and try this quiz from (see Favorite Links to go to the main website). You will practice the past tense, passive voice. After you try the quiz (I have printed copies for you), click the link at the bottom of the page and check your answers.

LINK: Green Level Quiz #2--Passive Voice, Past