Friday, April 3, 2020

Friday, April 3, 2020--Announcements and Assignments

Friday, April 3, 2020


1) I don’t ask for you to send me the answers to every assignment. When I do ask for them (as when I asked for your answers to the three questions in the 3/31 assignment #1), please do so. From now on, when I ask for you to send me an assignment, I will highlight the request in this blue-green color. I will also go back to previous assignments and highlight the ones I want you to send. There are at least 3 ways to send it:
  • Email me at
  • Text me at 309-948-9615
  • Take picture of your answers and send the picture to me by text or email.

2) I am keeping track of who sends me homework assignments and who doesn’t. 😯


1) If I have asked you to send me your answers to a previous assignment and you haven’t yet done it, please do so by Monday, April 6th. 

2) Alphabetics

We will resume our daily alphabetics next week. (I’ll tell you more about that later). Before the break, we had worked with 4 of the 4 short vowel sounds: a, i, o, and u.
  • We have not yet worked with the short e sound (as in bed and men), but I will introduce it to you soon. For now, try this game/quiz on the 5 short vowel sounds in three-letter CVC words by clicking the link below. Keep track of how many you get right on the your first try (the game allows you to check each answer as you go), because this quiz doesn’t tell you how many you got right at the end).
  • Click on the link below to take the quiz on short vowels and then text me or email me the number of words you got correct on the first try (keep track as you do the exercise):

3) Vocabulary

Future English 3 Workbook, p. 143, Ex. C--The instructions say to complete the sentences using boldfaced words from the article. But the book made a mistake--one of the answers actually is not in boldfaced type.
  • Choose from the following words and complete the 5 sentences in Exercise C, p. 143. I will post the answers on Monday. You do not need to send your answers to me.
          remain           run           compromise           location            independent
  • Please answer the following three questions and send me your answers in a text message or email:

  1. What is a synonym (word that means about the same) for run as it is used in this sentence: The North and the South had very different ideas about how the government should run. (you may use a dictionary or thesaurus if you need to)
  2. What is the national capital of the country you are from? (answer with a complete sentence)
  3. What do you know about the history of your country's capital? (answer with a complete sentence)

4)  Future English 3 Workbook, p. 144--Do exercises A and B on the past passive. I will post the answers on Monday, April 6th (you do not need to send them to me).

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