Thursday, April 2, 2020

Thursday, April 2, 2020--Announcements and Class Assignments

Thursday, April 2, 2020


1) To watch a video on basic information about the coronavirus (COVID-19):
  • Click on the link below to watch the video in English
  • At the same link you can also watch the video in French, Spanish, Arabic, and a few other languages

LINK: Basic information on the coronavirus in several languages

2) Next week I will tell you more about how we will use an online meeting site for at least some of our classes (we will be able to see and hear each other).

3) Soon we will also begin to use Burlington English again as part of our online class meetings. Their website is providing some new resources for online learning because of the coronavirus situation. I will send you each of you your login information (in case you've forgotten or misplaced it). 

*UPDATE*: I have updated the homework answers for 4/1/20 to include the answers to the Workbook, p. 143, Exercises A and B. I apologize for leaving them out at first!

Assignments for Thursday, April 2, 2020

1) Review previous pages in Unit 12

Before the break, were working on Unit 12 in the Future English 3 Textbook. Some of you were not able to be in class for all of these lessons. Please review Unit 12, pp. 225-241 by skimming these pages. Also, be sure to do any exercises you have not yet completed on:
  • superlatives (pp. 230-231)
  • reading a subway map (pp. 232-233)
  • the simple present passive (pp. 236-237)
  • freedom of religion in the United States (pp. 238-239)
  • President Abraham Lincoln(p. 240)

You don't have to finish what you missed all at once! You have until next Wednesday, April 8, to catch up on this work. Then we will review Unit 12 to prepare for a quiz.

2) Review comparative and superlative adjectives by clicking the link below (be careful not to use capital letters or extra spaces when you type--the answer checker reads them as wrong answers).

LINK: Quiz for practicing comparatives and superlatives

3) Click the link below to practice the vocabulary from "The Nation's Capital Finds a Home" (Workbook, p. 142) at You can use flashcards, games, quizzes, etc. to practice the words and definitions there.

LINK: The Nation's Capital vocabulary

4) After you practice with the words at, make sure you have completed the matching exercise from Wednesday's post (#4). Under "Homework Answers" at the upper right of this page, click on "Answers for 4/1/20 homework" to check your work. Here you can also check your answers for Workbook, p. 143, Exercises A and B.

*UPDATE*: I have updated the homework answers for 4/1/20 to include the answers to the Workbook, p. 143, Exercises A and B. I apologize for leaving them out at first!

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