Friday, May 1, 2020

Friday, May 1, 2020 Announcements and Assignments

Friday, 5/1/20


1) On Burlington English, I have now given registered students access to all four levels of the Burlington Core courses. If you find the Low Intermediate too difficult or if you want to go back and review the lower level lessons, you now have access to them. 

2) For instance, you can review comparative and superlative adjectives in the High Beginners level, Lesson 4: Money Matters.


1) Future English 3 Workbook, pp. 98-99, Ex. A, B, C, and D

We did p. 98, Ex. A and B, in class on Friday (today, 5/1/20), so please do this exercise on your own if you were not in the zoom meeting today. We will go over this work in class on Monday. 


2) Future English 3 Textbook, p. 170-171

Read and study the Grammar section at the top of the page on using one or ones in place of nouns. Be sure to read the "Grammar Watch" box for specific point.

HOMEWORK: Do Ex. A and B on p. 170, and do Ex. A and B on p. 171. 
Please send me your answers to these exercises by text or email.

3) Burlington English

Please continue to work in BE at your own pace. If you like, you may select a different level of the CORE course to work in (see the announcements above).

For the weekend, please go into the READERS section of the BE menu. Choose a story and read it over the weekend. There are three different reading levels (beginner, intermediate, and advanced), and you may choose a story from any level. I will be able to check BE and see what you read, so that counts the same as sending me the assignment! 

Next week, I will ask you to answer a few questions about the story you read, so expect to see those questions on Monday.

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