Monday, May 4, 2020

Monday, May 4, 2020 Announcements and Assignments

Monday, 5/4/20


1. I learned today that some of you had trouble joining the meeting from the Burlington English website calendar. I'll check and see what the problem is. Meanwhile, remember that you can also join this way:
  1.   Go to the website
  2.   Click "Join a meeting"
  3.   Click "Open Zoom" if you are prompted to do so
  4.   Enter the meeting ID and click "Continue" (or whatever that button says)
  5.   Enter the meeting password 
2. We have our last classes this week and next week (each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10:00 a.m.). The last day of class for the spring semester is Friday, May 15th. We will continue to work in Unit 9 ("On the Job") of the FER3 textbook and workbook this week, as well as in Burlington English (see assignments below).

3. After unit 9, there are still two units in the textbook that we have not covered. Unit 10 is called "Going to the Doctor," and unit 11 is called "Money Matters." Obviously we will not have time to cover both of these units. I would like you to vote on which unit you prefer to cover, in our last three classes next week.

Please look at the "Scope and Sequence" section at the front of your textbook, on pp. x and xi. Look over the columns that tell what units 10 and 11 cover (grammar, life skills, reading, etc.). Then send me a text or email by Friday, May 8th, to let me know which unit you vote for.

Assignments for Monday, May 4, 2020
(due Wednesday, May 6th)

NOTE: I will post the answers to homework assigned Friday, May 1st (see the previous post), on Tuesday, May 6th. /So if you missed class today (5/4/20), you can check your work there.

1. FER3 Textbook, pp. 172-173

Please skim and then read "Working the Late Shift" on p. 172. 
Then do exercises 3A, 3B, and 4 on p. 173.

2. FER3 Workbook, p. 100

Do exercises A, B, and C on p. 100.

Do not send me the two assignments above--we will go over them in class on Wednesday, May 6th, at 10 a.m.

3. Burlington English Readers

One of your assignments from last Friday, May 1st, was to choose one of the stories in the BE Readers section and read it over the weekend. Please do so if you have not yet read a story. Be sure to choose a story you find interesting, not one that bores you!

Then write four sentences about the story you chose. These sentences should tell me what story you read and what you liked or didn't like about the story. Send your sentences to me (by text or email. by Friday, May 8th.

UPDATE: The due date for this assignment has changed, to give you a little more time. Please send me your sentences by Monday, 5/11/20.

4. Burlington English Core--Lower Intermediate

This is the same course we've been working on. In section 4, lesson 6, there is a section on indefinite pronouns that will give you more practice. This is the grammar term for words such as one, ones, which one, this, that, these, and those (as shown in the FER3 Textbook, pp. 170-171, which was part of Friday's homework assignment).Like the personal pronouns (I, you, he, she, we, him, her, etc.), indefinite pronouns can take the place of a noun.

Please complete Lesson 4, "Money Matters," section 6 (Grammar: Indefinite Pronouns), by Wednesday, May 6th. There are 8 parts to this section, but each one is short and won't take you very long.

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