Monday, April 6, 2020

Monday, April 6, 2020 Announcements and Assignments Updated

 Monday, April 6, 2020

This Friday, April 10th, is a holiday on the Black Hawk College school calendar (Good Friday). There will be no online class or homework assignments on Friday.

Announcements (updated)

NOTE: As you read the information below, do not panic about learning to use your phone , laptop, TV, etc., to enter an online classroom. I am learning too, and we will all help each other!

1) On Tuesday, April 7th, I will send you information by email and text message about how to join our first online meeting. 

In the email and text, you will receive a link. Clicking the link will take you to the online meeting website. We will talk and catch up with each other, answer any questions, and practice using the controls.

I will schedule our first “live” online class for Wednesday, April 8th, at 10 a.m. Online meetings are pretty new to me, too, so I expect that I will make some mistakes as I set this up. I’m sure you will make mistakes too, but we’ll all learn together and help each other. It will last about an hour.

The good thing about having to do class online is that we should all gain a lot more digital literacy. Digital literacy means knowing how to use computers, smartphones, etc., to do different things. I hope we can increase not only your English language skills, but also your technology skills. 


1) Please check to see whether you have texted or emailed me the assignments from each day last week that are highlighted in blue-green.

2) You can check the answers to homework assignments #3 and #4 from Friday, 4/3/20 (except for the part I asked you to send to me), by clicking that date under the "Homework Answers" heading on the upper right area of this page. It looks like this:       


3) Grammar

There is only one assignment for today (due Tuesday, April 7th), because tomorrow you will receive your directions for preparing to join our online class on Wednesday. That will be plenty for you to work on!

Future English 3 Workbook, p. 145, Exercises C and D
(more practice with past passive verbs)

You do not need to send me your work for this assignment. The answers will be posted tomorrow for you to check your work.

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