Friday, September 25, 2015

Quizzes Like the Celsa Test . . . Kind Of

Some of you want more practice for the Celsa grammar test. This week in class we worked together to choose the correct answer for missing words in single sentences. The Celsa test, however, requires you to read through longer paragraphs. Again and again, you must decide which choice in the box (a, b, c, or d) best completes a sentence. Before you choose an answer, you have to consider not only the grammar of each sentence but also the context (the words and sentences before and after the missing part).

It is difficult to find quizzes that have long paragraphs, rather than single sentences, and that require you to consider several points of grammar at once. In most quizzes, you only practice one or two grammar skills at a time. For instance, a quiz may ask you to do the same thing in each sentence-- choose between a simple present or a present continuous verb. Other quizzes may ask you to correctly match the person and number of the subject and the verb in each sentence, or to decide whether the missing word should be a subject or an object pronoun.

However, this page from is pretty close to what we want. It has links to 102 quizzes based on VOA (Voice of America) programs. The readings are not as long as what you find in the Celsa, and you only look at one sentence at a time, but each reading is about one topic. Like the Celsa, these quizzes test your ability to correctly combine and use many different elements of vocabulary and grammar at once.

This should keep the "eager beavers" among you busy for quite a while (if you don't know what "eager beaver" means, look it up)!

My suggestion: Click on the link below, click on a subject that interests you, then click "Start" to begin the quiz. Even though you'll be reading through an entire paragraph, you'll only look at one sentence at a time.

Grammar Quizzes Based on VOA Programs

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