Monday, September 21, 2015

My Favorite English Learning Website (So Far)

I really like the website because:
  • You can choose your level (easy, medium, or difficult) for learning grammar and vocabulary.
  • The "Daily Page for ESL Students" link gives you daily quizzes, vocabulary words, listening practice, and pronunciation practice.
  • There are links to bilingual quizzes (that is, quizzes in English and another language) contributed by speakers of many languages.. If you speak Arabic, there are English-Arabic quizzes. If you speak Burmese, there are some English-Burmese quizzes. Your native language may or may not be listed, but it's a fun place to explore.

My suggestion: Click on the Grammar - Medium level under Grammar Quizzes (at the top left of the page). Try some of the first quizzes for review of the indefinite article, the vert "to be," and possessive adjectives.

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