Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Review of Articles (a, an, the), Countable/Noncountable Nouns, and There is, There are

Today in class we reviewed countable and noncountable nouns. We also reviewed rules for using the articles a, an, and the with these nouns.

This lesson is connected to our review of There is and There are on Monday. You need to know whether a noun is countable or uncountable when you say, "There is milk in the refrigerator" as opposed to "There are two cartons of milk in the refrigerator." We don't say, "There is a milk in the refrigerator" or "There are two milks in the refrigerator," because "milk" is a noncountable noun. We have to speak of containers of milk, cartons of milk, bottles of milk, etc. before we can count milk. We can't count milk, water, food, salt, sugar, and other such noncountable nouns--we can't make them plural--until we provide a way to divide them or measure them in units (a cup of water, two pounds of flour, a couple of tablespoons of sugar, a few granules of sugar).

My suggestion: Review countable and noncountable nouns, using the articles an, an and the, and using the expressions There is and There are by clicking on these links:

Countable/Noncountable Nouns Explanation
Count and Noncount Nouns Quiz
Rules for Using A, An, and The
Definite and Indefinite Article Quiz
Spot the Mistake--A, An, The (page 1 questions, page 2 answers)

There is, there are; some, any (negatives, questions)--Quiz starts at bottomof page
Video About "There is" and "There Are" at ESLGold.com
"There is" & "There are" with Count/Noncount Nouns (1/3 of the way down this page at esl-lounge.com)
Dialogue (Conversation) Using "There is" and "There are"
Dialogue Comprehension Quiz--What's In Your Office?

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