Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Bilingual Poems and Folk Tales in Various Languages

The website sells bilingual books, but it also has some free parallel text poems and stories. There is a word-for-word translation into English right below the foreign language text (this is called an interlinear translation). Unfortunately, there are no Arabic-English texts, and Japanese is the only standard Asian language represented.

The translations from other languages into English are very word-for-word and literal--the English is not changed to sound natural to a native English speaker. Here are the beginning lines of a poem, "La Barca Milagrosa" ("The Wonderful Boat"), with a Spanish-English interlinear text:   

La    barca        milagrosa
The   boat          wonderful     by Delmira Agustini     

Preparadme   una      barca  como   un        gran    pensamiento . . .
Build for me     a           boat     like      a          great    thought . . .

La llamarĂ¡n                           «La Sombra»             unos,
It will call (by the name of)     “The Shadow”             some,

otros                                       «La Estrella».
others (will call it by the name of)       “The Star.”

No ha de         estar                al                     capricho         de        una            mano
It should not     be          (subject) to the             whim             of          a                hand

o          de        un        viento:
or         of          a          wind:

Yo       la quiero         consciente,     indominable    y          bella!
I           want it              sensitive,         indomitable,     and       beautiful!

To read the rest of the poem, click on the first link below. To go to the list of free interlinear texts at, click on the second link below.

LINK: "La Barca Milagrosa"--"The Wonderful Boat"

LINK: The Interlinear Texts Library

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