Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Lessons and Exercises on Past Progressive/Continuous Tense

I am behind on posting what we've been doing in class, so I'm going to catch up with the most recent lessons and work my way backwards. Last week we studied the past progressive and simple past tenses and using them in time clauses. For instance, while is usually used with the past progressive tense: While I was watching television, while they were sleeping, etc. When, on the other hand, likes the simple past tense: The little boy was happy when his father came home.

My suggestion: Click on the links below for lessons and exercises on the past progressive/continuous tense and using it in time clauses:

LINK: Lesson on Uses and Forms of the Past Progressive Tense at 

LINK: Exercise on Forming the Past Progressive at

LINK: Lesson on Past Progressive Tense and Time Clauses at

LINK: Exercise on Past Progressive Tense (scroll down to sentences 1-10)

Then click on these links to practice choosing between the simple past and past progressive tenses:

LINK: Simple Past or Past Progressive at

LINK: Simple Past or Past Progressive at

LINK: Simple Past or Past Progressive at

LINK: Simple Past or Past Progressive at

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